Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
May 04, 2010 in Resources
UPDATE: The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water has been given approval by the Economic Council to look into identifying suitable sites for a nuclear power plant. If we proceed, it will take another 12 to 15 years before viable energy is produced.
I frequently emphasize the importance of conserving and managing our natural resources. Our non-renewable natural resources are finite. Eventually, the supply will end. In this regard, our current fuel mix for power generation in Malaysia is skewed too much in favour of natural gas and coal - fuels that account for a majority of our electricity generation.Such imbalance needs correcting as we aim to become a low carbon economy. Environmental considerations aside, it will simply be too costly to continue using coal and gas past 2020. This suggests a need over the medium to long term to use fossil fuels prudently, and migrate to alternative sources of energy that are cleaner and more efficient. This is why innovation is absolutely critical so that we find new ways to become more efficient as we strive to become a developed nation. While we should tap the abundance of sunlight in our country, let us also not forget opportunities that may arise from biomass.
As we consider all sources of energy, there has also been some attention given to nuclear energy. Nuclear is arguably efficient and cost effective. The question is this: is it the right one? Before embarking on such an important decision we must conduct a comprehensive study on it. As such the Government is undertaking feasibility studies on nuclear energy use for electricity generation. I am eager to understand better and to know the findings. If we press ahead with nuclear, 12 to 15 years could elapse before energy is produced using small reactors.
Of course, if we do go down the nuclear energy route, we would not be alone. And this is why we are looking around globally to learn from other countries and take note of the advancement in technology of this industry/sector. All this said, I would like to obtain your thoughts on our future electricity generation in Malaysia, especially any views regarding nuclear. Are there alternatives not yet considered, that could firmly establish Malaysia as a global green revolution leader?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Stop letting difficult people or situations affect every aspect of your life.
To get and stay happy, first you have to make the choice to do so.
True happiness is only achieved through hard work on yourself.
Part of happy is being strategic and competent and focused on the things that we can do something about.Another part is accepting the things we can't do something about and letting go.
A HAPPINESS FORMULA-by Lionel Ketchian
According to Ketchian, "happiness is an inner state of well-being that enables you to profit from your highest thoughts, intelligence, wisdom, awareness, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values," rather than about monetary wealth".
"If you're going to let things control you that are out of your control, you'll never be happy,"
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What is really going to happen in December of 2012... and exactly how millions will be affected, and your world will be turned upside down... forever!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
13 mei
13 Mei, 2010 23:58 PM
Jenazah Ashaari Selamat Dikebumi
REMBAU, 13 Mei (Bernama) -- Jenazah bekas pemimpin kumpulan Al Arqam yang diharamkan, Ashaari Muhammad selamat dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam Kampung Pilin dekat sini kira-kira pukul 10 malam.
Jenazah Ashaari, yang dibawa dengan kereta persendirian dari Ipoh tiba bersama rombongan di kampung asal Allahyarham, Kampung Pilin kira-kira pukul 8.30 malam.
Jenazah kemudian ditempatkan di surau kampung itu bagi membolehkan sanak saudara dan orang ramai memberi penghormatan terakhir.
Jenazah Allahyarham kemudian disembahyangkan sebelum dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan yang terletak bersebelahan dengan surau kampung itu.
Kira-kira 1,000 orang hadir pada majlis pengkebumian.
Ashaari, 73, lebih dikenali dengan panggilan Abuya oleh para pengikutnya meninggal dunia di Hospital Pakar Ipoh, Perak pada pukul 2.10 petang, tiga hari selepas dimasukkan di hospital itu kerana jangkitan paru-paru.
Oleh Wan Jailani Razak
SHAH ALAM: Seorang bekas pemimpin kanan al-Arqam meminta bekas ketuanya, Ashaari Muhammad tampil membuat pengakuan mengenai ajaran yang dibawanya sebelum lebih banyak penyelewengan didedahkan pada 8 Januari ini.
Sheikh Hussein Sheikh Omar, berkata Ashaari perlu memberi penjelasan mengenai pelbagai `keistimewaan luar biasa' yang didakwa ada pada dirinya berdasarkan catatan pada beberapa buku yang dikaitkan dengannya.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Ada tujuh golongan yang benar-benar digeruni oleh Dajal dan orang-orangnya kerana ketujuh-tujuh golongan ini adalah mereka yang diberi anugerah oleh Allah menguasai teknologi ROH mengikut peringkat ketaqwaan masing-masing.
Secara ringkasnya pasukan Mujaddid Imam Mahdi (MIM) ini dibahagikan menurut kategori-kategori yang telah Allah SWT sendiri tentukan. Mereka adalah:
1. Para Asoib. Mereka ini adalah golongan dari Timur yang berjumlah 16 ribu orang. Mereka ini adalah golongan yang menyamai para sahabat dari segi amalan agamanya yang zahir, tetapi tidak dari segi taraf dan kedudukan pada sisi Allah. Mereka ini adalah dari kalangan orang-orang yang telah mencapai taraf saleh dan merupakan generasi contoh untuk manusia akhir zaman, khasnya yang hidup pada zaman Imam Mahdi memerintah. Mereka ini insya-Allah dimudahkan jalan untuk masuk ke dalam syurga seperti yang dijanjikan. Dalam peperangan menentang musuh Islam, mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang sentiasa taat dan berperang dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Mereka sangat menjaga dosa-dosa mereka dan masyarakat seluruhnya.
Para Ikhwan. Ikhwan ini berjumlah 314 orang dan di antaranya ada kaum wanita. Mereka inilah orang-orang kanan Imam Mahdi dan Pemuda Bani Tamim, sentiasa membantu Imam Mahdi dalam setiap urusan pentadbirannya di seluruh dunia. Mereka inilah yang akan memenuhkan dunia ini, seolah-olah mereka itu memenuhkan setiap ruang dunia ini sehingga dirasakan tiada lagi ruang yang kosong di atas dunia ini melainkan semuanya telah dipenuhi oleh mereka. Para Ikhwan ini sendiri ada beberapa tingkatan lagi, bermula dari yang paling umum sehinggalah kepada yang paling tinggi tarafnya pada sisi Allah.
Rasul-rasul dahulu. Antara rasul berkenaan adalah Nabi Isa AS yang akan turun dari langit lalu membantu Imam Mahdi membunuh Dajjal dan memerangi bangsa Yahudi. Juga Nabi Ilyas AS yang masih hidup di atas dunia ini. Khidir AS yang masih hidup itu juga akan turut keluar dan membantu Imam Mahdi.
Ashabul Kahfi. Mereka adalah sekumpulan pemuda beriman yang berusaha menyelamatkan iman mereka lalu tertidur di dalam sebuah gua. Mereka akan keluar dari dalam gua mereka lalu membantu Imam Mahdi memerintah dunia ini dan turut sama memerangi musuh-musuh Islam.
Para Wali Allah. Maksudnya adalah para wali Allah yang umum. Ada di antara wali Allah itu yang masih hidup dan ada pula di kalangan mereka ini yang telah meninggal dunia. Namun semuanya akan turut membantu Imam Mahdi dalam setiap urusan yang beliau memerlukan pertolongan mereka. Hal ini sebenarnya tidak susah dipercayai dan diketahui kerana orang yang memahami hakikat kejadian insan pasti tidak akan menolak adanya para wali yang telah meninggal dunia bangkit membantu orang yang masih hidup. Hal yang demikian tidaklah sukar bagi Allah untuk menjadikannya. Selain itu, ada juga wali ghaib yang pada masa pemerintahan Imam Mahdi semuanya menzahirkan diri ke tengah-tengah masyarakat dan membantu masyarakat Islam untuk mendekati Allah.
Wali-wali Abdal. Mereka sudah disebutkan oleh beberapa buah hadis dan asar bahawa mereka akan membantu Imam Mahdi, berbaiat kepada Imam Mahdi di Masjidil Haram dan berperang bersama-sama dengan Imam Mahdi. Jumlah mereka ini berbeza-beza menurut keperluan dan masa. Ada kalanya ramai dan ada kalanya sedikit pula. Namun, setiap kali salah seorang daripada mereka mati, maka Allah akan melantik seorang wali lain untuk menggantikan tempatnya sebagai Wali Abdal. Ada juga disebutkan bahawa jumlah Wali Abdal lelaki adalah sama banyak dengan bilangan Wali Abdal yang perempuan. Dan tempat mereka adalah di Syam.
Wali Nujabak. Mereka adalah golongan yang berada di Mesir (Benua Afrika) dan akan segera mendatangi Imam Mahdi sebaik-baik sahaja Imam Mahdi muncul di Makkah. Mereka ini akan turut membantu Imam Mahdi dalam setiap urusan yang beliau memerlukan pertolongan mereka. Keberadaan mereka dalam masyarakat sangatlah didambakan oleh seluruh umat Islam, terutamanya yang tinggal di merata-rata benua Afrika.
Ini adalah kali pertama saya menulis artikel di dalam blogspot. Baiklah, dari pemerhatian saya, dlm banyak2 artikel blog ini, ramai orang bertanya tentang indigo ni dan kaitannya dengan diri mereka. Jadi jenuh laa nak menjawab..
Rasanya, mungkin ramai yang tidak memahami apakah itu Indigo dan lain-lain.
Indigo ini sebenarnya adalah manusia biasa yang di lahirkan dengan ciri-ciri tertentu yang sedikit berbeza dengan orang lain.
Perbezaan inilah yang menyebabkan mereka di buli, di marah, dan sebagainya. Mereka tidak dapat nak meluahkan perasaan mereka kerana apa yang mereka rasa adalah 'beyond wordless'.
Bayangkan jika anak anda mengatakan pada anda bahawa mereka nampak 'orang mati' atau melihat 'malaikat'...Apakah reaksi anda? Sudah tentu anda akan marah pada mereka dan mereka akan diam untuk selamanya.
inilah yang terjadi pada Indigo, rainbow dan crystal. Mereka sukar untuk meluahkan apa yang terbuku pada hati mereka. Dek kerana itu mereka sentiasa mencari jalan untuk meluahkan perasan di hati mereka. Jika mereka tak berjaya, mereka akan cuba hidup sebagaimana manusia biasa tapi mereka akan stress.
Apapun indigo, crystal, rainbow ni apa semua adalah terma pengkaji barat bagi..
tapi kalau kita nak linkkan pada islamiyah..maka kita leh katakan depa ni MUNGKIN para ikhwan.. tapi, ikhwan pula adalah untuk mereka yang 'bersama rasullulah tapi tak pernah melihatnya'. Jadi, apakah bagusnya jika seorang indigo itu mempunyai banyak kelebihan tapi tidak bersandarkan pada fitrah insan, yakni keimanan pada ALLAH?!
Sabda nabi:
Dari Anas r.a dia berkata:Rasullullah saw bersabda:'Aku rindu untuk bertemu dengan Ikhwanku,"Lalu sahabat bertanya ,tidakkah kami ini ikhwanmu?"Sabdanya,"Bukan,kamu adalah sahabatku dan Ikhwanku adalah mereka yg beriman denganku walaupun mereka tidak pernah melihatku."
Dari Omar r.a ia berkata:Rasullullah saw di tanya para Sahabat:"Apakah ada mereka yg beriman kepadamu sedangkan tidak pernah melihatmu dan membenarkan ajaranmu tanpa pernah berjumpa mu?" Sabda Baginda:"Mereka itu adalah Ikhwanku,mereka bersamaku,beruntunglah mereka yg melihatku dan beriman denganku dan beruntung juga mereka yang beriman denganku sedangkan mereka tak pernah melihatku." {diulang 3 kali}
Syaidina Abu Bakar r.a bertanya:"Bukankah kami ini ikhwanmu?"Baginda menjawab :"Bukan wahai Abu Bakar kamu adalah sahabatku,"Baginda menambah lagi:"Ikhwanku itu ialah mereka yang tidak pernah melihatku tetapi mereka beriman dan mencintaiku.Sehingga aku lebih di cintai mereka daripada anak dan ibu-bapa mereka."
Jika di lihat dari sabda nabi ini, anda harus menkaji tokoh-tokoh seperti uwasi, nabi ibrahim dan nabi muhammad sendiri (tidaklah saya mengatakan mereka indigo tetapi ciri itu tetap ada pada tokoh-tokoh/rasul-rasul)
Selain ciri-ciri indigo yang saya berikan pada artikel lepas, para indigo, crystal, rainbow juga akan berfikir tentang (mungkin ada berfikir 24jam 7 hari)
-siapa aku
-kemana aku nak gi..ada misi ke kat dunia ni
-kenapa aku rasa aku lain dari org len
-kenapa aku asyik kena buli / keji / herdik /marah
-kenapa aku asyik berfikir siapa tuhan aku... (perhatikan kisah nabi ibrahim juga)
Jadi, jika anda ada simptom2 ni, anda mungkin antara org yang 'terpanggil' menujuNYA untuk akhir zaman.
Jika dari segi sains pula..para indigo's ini mungkin ada kaitan dgn DNA reawakening. Apakah DNA re-awakening itu?
DNA re-awakening ini ialah DNA yang tak di gunakan (junk DNA) tetiba aktif..baik dari kandungan ibu atau lepas lahir atau ketika dewasa...bila aktif, kehidupan mereka seakan tak seimbang dan tak sama dgn org lain..tapi di sebabkan nak samakan atau selarikan dgn kehidupan manusia lainnya, maka, ramai yang terperangkap atau jadi terus gila. Kerana itu para Indigo (dan sesiapa saja), haruslah mencari guru untuk mengajar mereka dan terus explore kerana potensi diri indigo amat berguna untuk masa depan. (sila klik pada link untuk lebih pemahaman)
Memang ramai yang tak terjaga spiritualnya akan jadi gila isim (sasau mencari jawapan dan menyusahkan orang lain)..jadi gejala indigo ini bukan bersifat biasa2 tapi luar biasa dan semakin merebak. Tapi, jika para indigo ini berjaya menguasai potensi diri dan mencari jawapan-jawapan yang harus mereka jawab, makanya para indigo tadi akan menghampiri gelaran IKHWAN.
apakah benar kaitan indigo ini adalah untuk persiapan akhir zaman?
mungkin benar...kalu di lihat dari segi new age (suatu pemikiran ketuhanan bersifat universal),
2012 mungkin akan terjadi sesuatu dan dimensi 3Dimensi kita akan menjadi 4Dimensi. yakni, ketika itu masa atau jarak bukan lagi masalah.
kalau di lihat dari segi prediction atau hadis2 nabi, ternyata ianya saling berkaitan. Kota2 berada di udara, itulah prediction notradomus. Pemerintahan Mahdi berlangsung selama 40.
Apakah 40 itu? ternyata ianya satu skala ukuran masa tapi mungkin bukan ukuran yang sedia kita tahu seperti jam, hari, minggu atau tahun. Mungkin 40 tu adalah skala ukuran bagi masa berbentuk demensi baru. Hal ni menarik untuk di bincangkan. Siapa yang pandai fizik dan matematik, mungkin boleh berdiskusi di sini.
Jadi, kaitan indigo sebagai ciri manusia akan datang mungkin benar. Gejala indigo ini 'merebak' dan ianya mungkin berkait dengan bermacam-macam info yang sedia kita maklum, seperti DNA re-awakening yang membangkitkan memori nenek moyang (kerana itu mereka mengatakan mereka ini hasil re-incarnation padahal bukan), daya sense yang tinggi sehingga makhluk alam lain boleh berintraksi dengan aman, tahap pemikiran yang luar biasa yang akan membangkitkan teknologi baru yang di luar imiginasi (kebangkitan semula atlantis seperti kata edge cayce?), atau tingkat keimanan yang luar biasa dan tiada kehendak pada alam punca kejayaan di tangan indigo.
Jadi, buat masa ini, jika anda seorang indigo atau bukan, anda harus memahami bahawa masa sekarang bukan masa untuk berkejaran demi dunia. Masa sekarang adalah untuk memahami fitrah kita dan memahami kehendak dunia yang telah kita kotori selama ini. Apa yang utama ialah keamanan.
jadi, apakah kita bersedia untuk masa depan?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Inferno on the Gulf: Witnesses recount rig blast
VENICE, La. – Oleander Benton was chatting with a friend in the laundry when the lights went out. The other woman had just gotten up to find a maintenance person when the deep-sea oil rig shook with an ear-shattering "BANG," followed by a long, loud "hisssss."
Benton's safety training kicked in. The cook hit the floor as ceiling tiles and light fixtures came crashing down on her head and back. The concussion had blown a door off its hinges and pinned her friend to the floor.
"My leg! My leg!" the woman screamed.
Benton rose to her feet, and stepped over the debris, but she couldn't move the door. She told her friend to lie flat and slide herself out, and the two made their way into the darkened hallway, where a man in a white T-shirt appeared out of the swirling dust and beckoned.
"Come on, Miss O!" he shouted. "Go this way. This is the real deal! This is the REAL DEAL!"
After a carnival funhouse journey through halls illuminated only by "EXIT" signs, and clogged with dazed and injured people, Benton emerged onto the deck of the Deepwater Horizon.
Fire and mud were spewing from the rig's shattered 242-foot derrick. People with ghastly head wounds were scrambling about.
Many had been asleep when the blast occurred, and wandered the slick, debris-strewn deck shoeless, clad in little more than their orange lifejackets, their bare skin speckled with bits of white insulation from blown-out walls.
Benton slipped and stumbled as she headed for her assigned lifeboat.
As a worker checked off names, Benton was transported back five years to Hurricane Katrina.
She had spent five hellish days in the swelter of the Louisiana Superdome. That was the last time she had felt this kind of heat, this kind of terror.
It was April 20 — Benton's 52nd birthday.
Video courtesy of ABC News. For more visit ABC
With its complement of 126 riggers, contractors and support personnel, the Deepwater Horizon — floating 48 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico — had a population larger than that of at least a half-dozen Louisiana towns. This "floatel" had a gymnasium, movie theater, lounge, helicopter pad — just about everything a small city would need.
April 20 was a big day for BP PLC and the rig's inhabitants.
The day before, contractors from Halliburton Energy Services Inc. had finished cementing the well's pipes nearly 5,000 feet below the water's surface. Workers were busy setting a second seal at the well head, one of the last steps before the rig could move off, and the exploration well — in an area of the Gulf known as Mississippi Canyon Block 252 — could make the transition to a production well.
BP executives were on board to celebrate that milestone and another achievement — Deepwater Horizon was the first rig to go seven years without a lost-time accident. They were gathered in the living quarters just below the working deck when an enormous bubble of explosive methane gas erupted from the sea floor and rocketed up the drill pipe's 21-inch metal sheath toward the surface.
It was around 10 p.m.
Crane operator Micah Sandell, 40, of Leesville, La., was in the cab 30 feet off the deck when he saw the water and mud shoot up and out of the derrick. He knew immediately it was a blowout, and he got on the radio to tell the crew to move to the front of the rig.
When the gushing stopped after a few minutes, Sandell took a deep breath.
"Oh, good," he said to himself. "They got it under control."
Suddenly, vapor and spray began shooting out of a goosenecked pipe on the starboard side of the deck, followed by thick, black smoke. Sandell quickly shut off his air conditioner to avoid sucking any noxious fumes into the cab.
Then something exploded.
Sandell was knocked to the floor, and fire engulfed the cabin. Certain he was about to die, the devout Baptist clapped his hands over his head and cried, "Oh, God. No."
But after a few seconds, he stood up and realized the fireball had passed him over. He made it halfway down the stairs before another blast occurred, throwing him 15 feet to the steel deck.
He got up again and ran, feeling his way along the deck rail around the port side toward the lifeboats.
Marine biology student Albert Andry III and three high school buddies had come to the Deepwater Horizon for a couple leisurely days of tuna fishing and beer drinking. It turned out to be anything but leisurely.
The group had left Venice around 3 p.m. in Andry's 26-foot catamaran, the Endorfin, and had spent the afternoon fishing for blackfin near BP's Amberjack Rig 109 near the South Pass of the Mississippi River. Andry's radar had been stolen recently, so when they'd landed enough fish, the 23-year-old from Mandeville, La., headed for the Deepwater Horizon, where they would idle overnight.
The men arrived at sunset. The water was smooth as glass and teeming with jellyfish, their translucent blue and white "sails" erect in the light breeze.
They were fishing for bait under the lip of the platform when water began raining down from the rig's network of pipes — so much that Andry thought the crew was dumping the bilges to keep the Deepwatwer Horizon from sinking. Andry's eyes began to burn, and buddy Wes Bourg — who had worked on offshore rigs — told the skipper they needed to get out of there. Fast.
"Go, go, go, go, GOOOOO!" Bourg shouted. With no radar and only the light of a crescent moon to see by, Andry pointed the bow north, gunned the twin 140-horsepower Suzuki outboards and hit the deck.
They were about 100 yards from the Deepwater Horizon when the lights went out, and the first of a series of massive booms shook the rig.
The lifeboats hanging off the side of the rig were covered and could hold up to 50 people each. Crew members with clipboards called out names as people clambered aboard.
As Sandell stood in line awaiting his turn, panicked workers were screaming to get the boats in the water, even though they were not yet full.
"Drop them off!"
"Get them away!"
Some couldn't wait any longer, and jumped.
It was 80 feet to the water. A person falling from that height would take about 2.25 seconds to hit the water and experience about 20 Gs — roughly the same force as a car hitting a brick wall at 55 mph.
In Port Fourchon harbor, the service vessel Joe Griffin was tied up at the Halliburton slip. Capt. Nate Foster was standing on the bridge shortly before 11 p.m. when the radio crackled to life.
"We need you to get out there as fast as you can," the dispatcher barked. "We have people in the water."
The orange-hulled vessel is primarily a supply ship, and much of its 280-foot length is comprised of open deck space. But the Joe Griffin is also equipped with two water cannons, each capable of shooting 5,000 gallons of water per minute.
Foster picked up the ship's phone and called the engine room.
"I want the engines started," the 37-year-old Montanan told the oiler. "We need 'em NOW. Don't let them warm up."
Then he got on the radio to the crew.
"Get ready to cast off right now," he said. "We need to leave immediately."
A process that normally takes 20 minutes was accomplished in fewer than five.
The Joe Griffin backed out of the slip and steamed out of the harbor at 10 knots — more than double the normal speed. As the vessel entered open water, Foster opened the throttle all the way, to 12 knots.
At that speed, it would take nine and a half hours to reach the Deepwater Horizon. Foster knew he'd be thinking the whole time of people in the water.
The 260-foot Damon B. Bankston, a black-hulled cargo vessel, was tethered to the Deepwater Horizon. That day, it had been pumping drilling mud from the rig for use at the next job.
The first explosion threw Seaman Elton Johnson of Bunkie, La., about seven feet into an engine-room door, temporarily knocking him unconscious. When he came to, he staggered to the deck and looked over the rail to see people floating in the water.
Like the rest of the crew, Johnson began fishing out survivors.
By the glow of the inferno, Andry could see people swimming and motoring toward the Bankston. He got on his radio and asked whether he could approach the rig and join in the rescue effort.
"Negative. Negative," came the reply.
Bourg said there could be damaged pipes under the water. So the group decided to back off a mile to wait, and watch.
On the Deepwater Horizon, deck pusher Bill Johnson, supervising operations on the deck, worked his way across the rig, acrid smoke burning his lungs. He ushered two members of his crew into a lifeboat and shoved off, but there was one man missing.
Crane operator Aaron Dale Burkeen of Philadelphia, Miss., had relieved Sandell for dinner. The starboard crane had been down. He finished changing out the cable and began making up for the lost time.
The 37-year-old father of two had just recently received his 10-year certificate from Transocean, the rig's owner (BP was its operator). April 20 was his and wife Rhonda's eighth wedding anniversary; his birthday was four days away.
When the first concussion hit, he began the process of lowering his crane's 150-foot boom into its cradle and locking it down. He got it to about a 30-degree angle when he decided to make a run for it.
He was about halfway down the spiral staircase when a massive explosion occurred. Johnson — who was not just Burkeen's direct supervisor, but also one of his best friends — watched helplessly from the rocking boat as the whole starboard side of the rig erupted in a cloud of smoke and flame.
Burkeen just vanished.
Andry had lingered at the site, sweeping the water with his flood lights for survivors. After about four hours and running low on fuel, he decided to head back to port.
The Joe Griffin was still 35 miles out when the crew saw it — a glow on the horizon like a mini-sunrise.
Twenty minutes out, Capt. Foster ordered the crew to fire up the water cannon pumps. When the vessel arrived at the scene around 8:30 a.m., flames were shooting several hundred feet into the air, and oil was raining down on the two-dozen or so boats trying to fight the fire and ferry survivors.
The rig was engulfed and listing to one side.
The Deepwater Horizon was not anchored to the bottom with cables, but was "dynamically positioned" — held in place by eight 7,375-horsepower thrusters that worked in a computer-coordinated water ballet to keep her above the well head nearly a mile below.
With no power and no people to operate the thrusters, the drill pipe and its casing were the only things holding the rig in place. The Deepwater Horizon was at the mercy of the wind and waves, and Foster and the other rescue boat captains had to perform evasive maneuvers to keep from being rammed by the flaming hulk.
Even through the glass windows and protective shell of the bridge, First Mate Doug Peake could feel the inferno's heat on his skin. As he trained the cannon on the fire, he thought to himself: "This is a lost cause."
A little way off, Sandell stood on the Bankston's plank deck and watched the rig that had been his home for the past eight years pitch and burn. Back in his room on the Deepwater Horizon was the white gold wedding band his wife Angela slipped on his finger 17 years ago.
He wanted desperately to call home and tell his wife and their three children that he was alive. There were satellite phones on board, but the workers were not allowed to use them.
Finally, at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, the Bankston headed back to port. Sandell closed his eyes and said a prayer.
When Sandell arrived at Port Fourchon early the next morning, he still hadn't slept. Eleven rig workers were unaccounted for, including Aaron Dale Burkeen.
Even as the Deepwater Horizon was in its last throes before sinking beneath the Gulf, speculation was already rampant about what had caused the explosion. Was it negligence? A freak accident? Foul play?
Sandell and the others just wanted to go ashore and call loved ones. But there was one more thing to do next.
As he debarked, he noticed some Coast Guard and company officers sitting at a table, a row of portable toilets behind them. Before they left the docks, the workers would have to be drug tested.
Tired and angry, Sandell stood in line and filled out forms. When his turn came, he took the plastic cup, stepped inside one of the outhouses, and closed the door behind him.
Associated Press Writers Harry R. Weber, Pauline Arrillaga, Curt Anderson, Mitch Weiss, Michael Kunzelman and Noaki Schwartz contributed to this report.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Florencio Campomanes Dies Aged 83
Campomanes achieved National Master status as a player, and represented the Philippines at five Olympiads in the 1950's and 60's (wikipedia entry here). But it for his dedicated work for the world chess governing body FIDE, that he will be best remembered.
As the national FIDE delegate for the Philippines, he helped bring the 1978 world chess championship match between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi to Manila.
Campomanes was elected FIDE president in 1982 and held the office until 1995, when he was succeeded by the present incumbent, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
Campomanes aimed to expand FIDE around the world and he succeeded in making the chess governing body a truly global organisation. Although he was not personally a rich man, he raised large prize funds for the world championships held during his reign.
However, Campomanes reign was also marred by the controversial abandonment of the first Karpov v Kasparov match, and the damaging schism in 1993.
In 2007, Campomanes was seriously injured in a car accident in Turkey, and was fortunate to survive.
Florencio Campomanes died on 3 May 2010. Rest In Peace.