Sunday, September 19, 2010

Energising our thyroid gland

Natural Treatment



From Benoit
Hello, I would like to speak about this fantastic herb; I hope a lot of people will follow what I am going to explain.
I have been diagnosed with ulcerative proctitis 1.5 years ago, I was in a very bad state, ended up in the hospital with terrible bleedings, I left my job, my house, and moved to another country thinking my life would get better... a few weeks after my move, my problem restarted, I was taking so many tablets to turn down my immune system, I was full of spots, pain in my belly, it was just a nightmare till a nutritionist told my dad about the value of turmeric...
I also forgot to tell you I was an asthmatic, and due to the infection spreading everywhere in my belly I also had joint pains in my legs and groins.
This person said to take 2t tea spoons of turmeric in hot milk with 1/4 spoon of black pepper (this mix will multiply the turmeric effect by 150% due to a chemical reaction between both), my asthma went in 2 days, I was shocked, I was on Ventoline all the the bin now, my colitis has healed alone and extremely quickly, I just could not believe this, it was impossible for me to see a such change so quickly in my health in general.
After testing this remedy for now 10 months, I can say that my health is back to when I was 20 years old (I am 30), I feel great, I can eat anything I like, no more IBS, no more asthma, no more belly pain after certain foods, I take turmeric everyday when I wake up on an empty stomach, it is very easy to know the right dosage for you, do this simple test:
If 2 tea spoons are too much for you, you will get diarrhea, just put a tiny bit less next time.
I have to say, pharmaceutical companies are making a lot of money by selling drugs to heal you but what you don't know is that none of these tablets are needed most of the time, just keep a good diet and take your turmeric everyday.
I have also heard that turmeric was very powerful to treat swine flu, I can believe this because my lungs are now very well and free from asthma.

Iodum in a 200c potency

[YEA] 06/26/2009: SamLaunch from Knoxville, TN writes: "Thank You to everyone who contributes and writes on this website. My Hyper Thyroid problems began in March 2008 and lasted until May 2009. Thanks to Ted and his research which led me to find a vitamins that aid in long life: Co Enzyme Q-10, Selenium and L-Lysine. Here's what I took: Baking Soda mixed in apple cider vinegar with water added, those three vitamins listed above. What happened soon after taking those vitamins and drinking the drink: I fell into a deep sleep at 9:00PM. I never go to sleep at 9:00PM! I can't remember but it seemed like overnight, my eyes receded back into my head and my thyroid shrank. I say shrank because my neck had been bulging out with my eyes. I'm not sure which one of the four did the trick: Baking Soda w/ACV & H2O, Co Enzyme Q-10, Selenium and/or L-Lysine. I've been washing my scalp/hair with Borax and coating my face with Hydrogen Peroxide after shaving. I'm looking good and feeling good. I had been scheduled for the Thyroid radiation treatment at my veteran's office but no longer need or want to get a dose of that to fry my insides. Anyway, I'm very happy and owe my well-being to this free website. Thank You Ted and Friends."



Ayat ini biasanya dikenali dengan panggilan Ayat Tujuh. Ianya merupakan gabungan dari ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang terdiri dari beberapa surah.

Kebiasaannya saya menganjurkan mereka-mereka yang tertekan dengan masalah-masalah duniawi untuk mengamalkan Ayat Tujuh ini selepas solat subuh dan selepas solat maghrib, atau sebelah siang sekali dan malam sekali.

Menurut ulama-ulama yang mutabar, barangsiapa yang mengamalkan ayat ini, tiada kuasa seseorang itu memberi mudharat kepadanya. Dan sekiranya jikalau tertutup langit dan bumi sekalipun, insyaALLAH terlepas ia dengan izin Allah swt.

Barangsiapa mengamalkan membacanya di pagi dan petang, insyaALLAH akan merasa aman sentosa daripada segala kebinasaan dan terpelihara daripada pedaya musuh dan bala dengan izin Allah.

InsyaALLAH juga Allah akan memudahkan rezekinya, dipanjangkan umur, terpelihara dari gangguan jin, syaitan, fitnah dan dikasihi hamba-hamba Allah serta dimudahkan atau dikabulkan segala apa yang dicita-citakannya.

Kesimpulannya, ayat ini lazimnya diamalkan dengan mengharapkan redha Allah S.W.T, dan moga-moga Allah swt melepaskan atau memberi kemudahan dari sebarang kesulitan dan kesusahan.

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